Emerging in the Community

On Saturday June 1, Emerge attended BREAKTHROUGH a faith-based Mental Health Summit at Living word Church in Vandalia. There were more than twenty vendors and multiple presenters. Also, Governor Mike Dewine spoke via virtual and offered his support.
BREAKTHROUGH is planning to offer this experience again in May 2025! Here’s a recap of this first of its kind gather of Faith and Community leaders:
Breakthrough marked a groundbreaking event, uniting faith and community leaders with the goal of inspiring, informing, and equipping them to better support individuals within their congregations and communities who are navigating mental health challenges, illness, and suicide.
Over 100 attendees were welcomed by more than 15 local resources and had the privilege of hearing from distinguished speakers such as Rev. Dr. Que English from the HHS Partnership Center in Washington, D.C., Jennifer Lloyd, Strategic Initiatives Director at RecoveryOhio, and Tony Coder, Executive Director of the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation. The Living Word Church team provided exceptional hospitality and worship, enhancing the event’s atmosphere.

Attendees participated in three remarkable workshops emphasizing a holistic BODY MIND SPIRIT approach to service. These included a groundbreaking workshop on the intersection of faith and mental health, as well as an engaging session on effective, creative communication strategies.
A significant highlight of the event was the announcement of a new tool for congregations and small groups, “Pathways to Mental Wellbeing,” co-developed by Declare, ADAMHS of Montgomery County, and Kettering Health. Learn more at www.declare.org/mentalhealth.
Emerge also partnered with the Nehemiah Foundation out of Clark County. They provide Suicide Prevention Training for staff and we are looking forward to having them visit our campus.
GET TO KNOW THE NEHEMIAH FOUNDATION: Our name was inspired by the Biblical account of a man named Nehemiah who God used to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In those days, Jerusalem was a symbol of the city of God, God’s dwelling place and the center of life for the world. Today, we believe that in our community today, the idea of rebuilding our “walls” should not be a picture of creating separation, but rather, that of re-establishing the strengths of our community. Through things like sheltering for the weak, releasing human potential, and fostering relationships, our hope is to help bring people, churches, and ministries together for the good of everyone in our city. Click here to learn more about who we are.